M1 Services has an excellent safety record and are committed to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all our team members. We use fully documented policies and procedures and commence safety training during a new employee’s induction, then continue to deliver training and education via such means as toolbox talks, training sessions, newsletters, safety bulletins, employee handbooks, memos, fliers and general correspondence.

Our people are our most valuable resource, and we will not compromise their safety. We believe that all team members have a responsibility for safety, and that everyone is a Risk Manager.

We have a qualified Workplace Health and Safety Officer, who oversees a Safety Committee, comprising of elected staff members on appropriate work sites. The Safety Representatives conduct regular safety audits and provide feedback to the central Safety Committee, who analyse and action any issues.

We have a Workplace Rehabilitation Coordinator, and fully approved procedures to encourage a return-to-work. Our Workplace Health and Safety Manual details the Safe Operating Procedures for all of our cleaning tasks, and these are reviewed regularly by our qualified WHSO. A site-specific risk assessment for each work site is undertaken before commencement of each contract, and any risks are eliminated or reduced. Our WHSO also draws up any necessary site-specific safety instructions and ensures that training and communication are ongoing.

Our centralised computer system, along with containing SDS Register, holds our Permit System, where appropriate work permits and VISAs, drivers licences, ‘White Cards’ etc are stored, with an electronic alert system to advise us of upcoming expiries.

We have extensive incident investigation procedures, and we excel at Risk Management. All site personnel are trained in recording of incidents including near-misses, and supervisory personnel are trained in the investigation of such incidents. Our system includes appropriate forms and reports. Incidents are logged within our centralised database, and results are reviewed at formal monthly management meetings. Our WHSO is empowered to take any necessary immediate action to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.

We use and store all chemicals in a safe manner. We treat our major supplier as a business partner and enjoy an open and constructive working relationship. Our supplier attends work sites to provide documented, expert training on handling chemicals and machinery, and we regularly audit sites to check that we are performing at best practice.

Samples of training records, SOPs, risk assessments, investigation records and reports, meeting minutes, bulletins, newsletters, memos etc are available should you wish to see further evidence of our commitment to safety.